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Friday, May 25, 2012

Well met! This destination is the Blog of Fay McDermott, who will sparkle and amaze with brilliant prose and exceptional insight. No? Ok. How about...

Who is this Fay McDermott, you ask!? Besides your guide on this ride (see how I did that?), and I will say "Fay McDermott is the very definition of the embodiment of sorcery, the melding of two minds and two bodies."

Or you could just say that Fay McDermott is a pen name for two friends and writers.

So why use a pen name at all? Because though we've both been writing most of our lives and several years together, this is our first attempt at publishing. And you're in luck, because we're going to take you on this journey with us! (And also we're big fat chickens afraid of rejection.)

Where to begin? Let's start with our publishing accomplishment! Published, you say? Why yes, Jeeves. Published! What? Through Harlequin Romance? No, no (though we did try). Another publisher? No, no. We did it ourselves. Through WHY would we do such a thing? Because in this industry, it's exceptionally competitive and we've yet to see a rejection letter that didn't begin or end with 'our apologies for the canned reply'. Let's face it - sometimes you just have to be brave and take the plunge on your own if you want to get out there. So we did.

That brings us to The Dacian Woman. Not our first manuscript together, but it is our first finished one. And I will tell you, it was over 150k words until we realized most romances these days are far shorter than that. So we cut it down. By over 100k words. Letting you in on a little secret here, but the gazillions of edits and re-reads, PLUS the craziness of formatting for Kindle, were WAY more work than writing the manuscript in the first place!

Right. Now you ask, are we a one-hit wonder? No! A hundred times no! And we're going to keep you abreast of our progress and hopefully, most importantly, we will entertain and inspire you.

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